Like a Hulk reboot, I got a new Banner
I don’t know how quick you are on the uptake, but there’s been some format changes at First things first, check out the funky fresh new banner. Here, I’ll pull it down for ya:
My rugged charm, mystic prowess, love of the color purple, and ability to use a rotary phone were all captured by Ansate Jones. You can find more of Ansate’s work here.
Ansate was kind enough to crop me a new icon for social media endeavors:
Nothing against the old thumbnail, which you can read about here (doing a lot of reading about cartoon drawings of yours truly, eh? Should I be worried? Because all this creepin’ is giving off serious stalker vibes.) One can only contemplate a fish capable of mimicking human expression for so long (about four years, to be precise.) Time to spend four years answering a phone instead.
If your internet speed is so slow it can’t display images, then you chose a very strange article to read.

I suppose that means you can’t see this image either. Don’t worry. It isn’t important to the article, so you can’t be missing much, right? Original work by Andrew Zubko.
I’ll be nice and explain to the gif-less that the website now features a name. No longer must you be plagued by your inability to spell ‘JMGariepy’, or feel a rush of embarrassment overwhelm you when you bungle the name to someone else. Procrastinators of the future may now access this blog by typing into their space modulators. I am always eleven letters and a dot away.
I know. This is a like raising a toddler and never quite knowing what to name it, so you settle on ‘the kid’ for four years. But now that ‘the kid’ is going to pre-school we got to name it something. So we’re calling it Brice, crossing our fingers, and hoping no one thinks the kid is deaf because it never responds when it’s called. Let’s just drop the website off at the blogosphere pre-school, walk away, and drive off before anyone asks any questions.
Now that this fully grown child of a website has a name and wearing its Sunday finest, I might get around to turning on that Patreon account I’ve been tooling on, and raking in that phat game blogger money. Wouldn’t that be nice? To be paid for what you love doing? Excuse me a moment; my mind needs to wander as I think about impossible things, like a sudden flowering public reinterest in the Rockband series of games, and writing the number six while rotating my foot clockwise in the air (Go ahead. Give it a try.)